Thursday, June 16, 2011

the new season

For the next season....2011-2012 these girls will be a U-12 age group, but will be moving up and playing in the u-13 age division. They will move up to the bigger field and will be playing 11v11 now. We will have some wins and some losses, but it is all about growth and development.

After 40 something girls came to tryouts we would like to welcome 4 new girls to the Storm team:


we look forward to this next season which will resume in August for practice. Along with NFYSL soccer league games these girls will be heading to Tampa Adidas Invitational Oct7-9, and Disney Showcase Nov 25.

good luck to all of you.

Palm Bay soccer tourney. April 30-May 1 2011.

Another fun weekend for the girls, but unfortunately got dealt some of the worst reffing we had ever seen. The girls first game was against Central Brevard Cyclones where they won 3-1. The next game was against Kicks where they won 2-1. The third regular play game was against HSSC and the girls won 2-1. With three wins they advance to the finals and had to play Kicks again. We ended up losing 2-1, and the bad ref carried over to this final game. But all in all, another fun weekend in Palm bay.

1st place in Miami Lakes Shootout.

The girls traveled to Miami in April 2011. Not sure what to expect as there were going to be some really good teams down there. The girls played Miami Premier first and won 3-0. Next they played Chicago Fire who was ranked very high, and the girls beat them 4-0. The third game they actually tied 1-1, but because we had no losses, we advanced to the finals. In the finals the girls played Pine crest Premier. The game was tied at 1-1 when a torrential downpour came. The rain would not let up, and the fields were trashed so they had to call it. Both teams walked away with a win. The weekend itself was a blast though. Great hotel, great team to hang out with. Just one of the best weekends the team could ask for. Check Spelling

Region Cup. 2011


The girls soared through the first round of region cup. they played three games winning with a 4-0, 4-0, and 7-0 vicotry. They advanced to the second round, where the won the first two games, but lost the third to Orlando Fear 2-1. It was a tough loss, and the girls didn't expect it. Just goes to show you have to go into every game and be spot on. lesson learned!!!